Alana's story, Bobbies Male to Female Transgender Spouse, is titled:“Hung in the Middle: A Journey of Gender Discovery”
If these titles sound interesting to you both of the above links take you to pages of information about my new found friends and their history together. You will also find links to other items from them and chapters to read, as well as videos and resources that may be useful.
I know it's been too long since I've posted anything here, but this couple's story prompted me to write a little blog to help them get the word out. We all have such similar stories one way or another and Bobbie and Alana Nicole are very much like the rest of us in the Transgender Community!
Alana's other work The Horn-Dog Bar and Grill is available on Amazon as well. The Horn-Dog Bar and Grill is an erotic, mysterious, inspirational, love story full of action and adventure. All in all Bobbie and Alana Nicole truly have a wonderful story to tell. And I'm sure they'd love for you to stop by their web sites for a visit.