Friday, November 21, 2008

Deviant Art Pasties...

I've noticed that it seems the Deviant Art Pastie I have posted on the right side of the page is pretty smart. I see a lot of nudes, or other themes that relate to this Blog. Surprise surprise, as Gomer Pyle would say. I wonder how many people out there know who Gomer Pyle is? I love using the sidebar feature because it shows the most recent works, and is very easy to get a response from the artist when they are still online. Still sitting in front of their PC's pondering their work.

I wasn't too surprised to think that using some sort of scripts or other programming, that DA was following my Blog and connecting me with like minded artists!

I didn't really think there was anyone else quite like me... Anyway, if you click the image on the upper left corner of this post you can see my DA page. I'd love some new visitors there. I should mention that my DA page has nothing to do with my Cassie Persona, it's just another online fun place for me.

I just viewed my Blog with IE for the first time, and had to make some adjustments. Fucking IE... Of course it's only my fault for not checking when I created the Blog, but I wish the browsers were more equal. I prefer Firefox myself. I'm trying to get a Yahoo Pingbox going but it seems to evade me.

It's probably a "Loose Nut On The Keyboard!". Ha ha...

You can view my Wish List by clicking on the image with the Lace Wrist Thing's in the "Dream On Baby" sidebar gadget. It's really just another insight into my personality. Believe it or not my favorite items are the cheapest ones. The $5 leggings and the $4 Fake Nails. Ha, what a surprise about the nails.

I'd really love any feedback about my Blog design or content. If anyone knows how to get the Yahoo Pingbox working I'd love that too!

Bye For Now Y'all...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blog's I Follow...

So I added some new stuff in my sidebar. Most notably the Blogs I Follow section. Most of the links there are to sites I do browse through and enjoy, but don't actually know the wonderful people that write the Blogs.

If there's anyone out there that wishes me to take down the links just say so. I just feel a little uneasy myself about using the links without asking first, but went ahead and did it anyway.

I just wanted to get that out of the way... Thanks for your Blogs. I find them more enjoyable than the multitude of news sites and endless banner ads everywhere. It's pretty cold here where I live and I'm gonna settle in and get cozy, and maybe watch Conan.

Since the Election I have stayed away from the talking heads for a while. This site has been a good way for me to get away from all that.

Peek A Boo...

Bye for now...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Thrift store Finds! ...

I Love Thrift Stores!I just got back from a thrift store and saw some great stuff. I'm sure I'll be getting some heels at one of them soon. I found some great books. A Handbook for Filmmakers, and a Calvin and Hobbes book for 39 cents! I find the best books at Goodwill, they usually go with whatever computers have been donated, and are usually older books. Also they are usually in good shape. It seems that a lot of people buy the books and don't use them because they are brand new. Some students donate them after they are done with them too. Anyway... I love Goodwill. I saw a great wig for $6 and it looked like a very nice one too. Didn't get it though because it was very crowded and I was on my way out when I saw it behind the counter.

I've seen everything in there, this is a Vietnam Veteran's store and it's a goldmine. I've seen Carvin Guitars and Stacks, Keyboards, and old records that are still in good shape. It's like some one died and all their collection was donated to the thrift stores. Which is probably what happens?

Bye y'all...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I Had A Great Time...

I really had a great time! Really I did! What with the Fireworks and Champagne, the Stars and the Full Moon. The City Lights. Flowers and Candlelight, am I forgetting something? Well...

I met this girl last week, we bumped into each other at the lunch counter and hit it off right away. I knew I was gonna ask her for her number, and she knew too.

I always try to be up front about my crossdressing when I'm interested in someone, but I was gonna try and feel her out a little bit first. No way did I want to miss my chance with her, but of course I realized I'd have to tell her. Just not right then. I mean we hadn't even had a date yet.

Our first date was dinner and a movie, and when I told her I liked to dress up sometimes she giggled. Then she asked me if I'd show her my collection. If I had one. I was surprised a little by her reaction, but it's happened that way before.

I told her I'd love too. I mean this would mean spending time alone with her, and I wanted that! She even offered to stop by her place to see if she had anything I could use. I told her I didn't have any high heels for one thing, and luckily I have small feet so she had some that might fit me. I was so excited!

Now see what I mean? That doesn't sound like a guy talking does it? I didn't ask her if she had a "cute little skirt" though. The funny thing is after we found some heels for me to wear she said "Hey I've got the cutest skirt to go with those heels!

I laughed, and explained to her why what she had said made me laugh. Then we laughed together for about five minutes or so. When we stopped laughing things got more intense, but she was so curious about "Cassie" and wanted to "meet" her. We gathered a few more items and headed over to my house.

Luckily I had the house to myself for a couple of days, and we spent the rest of the night primping like little girls at a sleepover. I really like this girl and she likes me too, and she got really hot by the time Cassie was ready.

I was worried that she would want me to go out as Cassie because I've never done that. As it turns out the last thing either of us wanted was to go anywhere...

All the time spent primping and doing makeup, trying on shoes and she had the sexiest stocking's I've ever had on. I felt so good with them on, and she was about ready to rape me when she saw how I changed into a different person as Cassie.

She sucked my cock for almost an hour. I came on her tit's twice It was so good! She was going wild. Hey, I know the feeling. Then she told me how much she liked me, and said she had a special surprise. All kinds of things were running through my mind when she said to me: "Cassie Honey, I want to show you something.", and she did.

She reached over the bed and grabbed her backpack, and pulled out a huge strap on. With a big ole' grin she looked at me and said: "Would you like some of this Cassie Baby?". I immediately started squirming on the bed practically begging her to give it to me.

"Fuck Me!", "Fuck Me Now!"... I screamed before I even realized I had said it. The next thing I know she was shoving it in my ass so deep and we were both making a lot of noise. She actually had an orgasm from the moaning and squirming around I was doing! She Fucked My Ass Good and then fell on top of me and laid there twitching around for about half an hour.

I'm still "Makin' Sounds", and that was yesterday!

We are enjoying each other a lot, we had a great time at the Fireworks Show. But the real Fireworks had already gone off...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Why The Sugar Shack?

Well, it just popped into my head at the last minute. It is kinda appropriate though because there are similarities between the Sugar Shacks that teenagers use, and this Blog.

Teenagers use them as a place to makeout, and they are usually some type of Fort that younger kids build and the teenagers move in and take it over. At least that's how I remember them.

Well, when I want to wear stockings and nails, and dress up I have to have a place where I won't be interrupted. Remember me talking about those fake nails not always coming off so easily. That would be a bitch being interrupted in the middle of a night of dressing, and not being able to remove the nails.

I live in a house with other people, and they don't know about my little secret. So I have to plan things out ahead of time. One thing I do sometimes is disguise my surroundings because I usually take pictures, and I wouldn't want to "blow my cover".

How is this similar to a Sugar Shack you ask? Well, when I hang backdrops to disguise my surroundings it gives the "ambiance" of a Shack! I know I'm not alone here. It's pretty common to see plastic or sheets hanging in peoples videos!

So I have to be in my "Sugar Shack" to dress and make videos or take pics. Wheew!... I sure am long winded.

So even though the idea just popped into my head, maybe there was a deeper subconscious thought process behind the decision to name my Blog "Cassie's Sugar Shack"?

After Googling the name I saw many sugar shacks. This Blog however did not come up in the search. Maybe it's just as well because I could be asking for trouble here. Hopefully things won't get out of control. I'll show you what I mean about the backdrops...

Yep... that's the silver side of a blue tarp. I managed to add spotlights and some lens flares with Paintshop. But the quality of the pics themselves is low. And I imagine a good many people will just plain think I'm weird... or worse. Like I said earlier today the blurry images are way better than clear ones would be. Ha ha.

In the unlikely event that someone spreads my pics around online enough for someone to recognize me then my surroundings won't matter anyway.

Speaking of which : Any images or other original content posted on the Blog are copyrighted by me CassiePlay2008. And are not to be used without my expressed permission.

Of course I've been online long enough to know that once something is posted online it's gonna be all over the internet until the end of time! I imagine the only reason my images might be used elsewhere would be to laugh at me, or worse yet try and cause me problems. The bottom line is nobody cares about what I do here.

So that explains the Sugar Shack name for the Blog, and my profile explains the name Cassie. It's getting late and I have monkeys to spank...

Where Was I?...

Oh Yes...Mascara, shaving my whole body. Man, I can't keep doing that or I'll really look like Sasquatch! It sure feels good being smooth all over though. Seems like a theme here. Feeling Good.

I need a good wig too, mostly because my natural hair isn't gonna work. I've got a cheap one for now, and I only dress for me so it's not a complete loss.

I'd like some heels but that will have to wait. Plus I'm very tall and thin, too thin to have a nice ass. Heels would just make me look thinner.

I want to mention that one of the biggest surprises I got was the first time I wore fake nails. You know those stick on things. No, I didn't go into the store and say "Those nails are so cute!" to the women standing in the aisle while I was there. And there were plenty of women there too.

Some of them seemed to be watching me and others couldn't care less. I can't believe how much women pay for the things they need every day. Women make less and pay more while Men wear the same underwear they had since they were twelve. Not me of course.

Anyway, back to the nails. I don't know why but wearing nails really turns me on. I mean it y'all. The only problem with nails is keeping them on, and trying to do things with them on. I have a feeling wearing heels would be a similar problem also. But I think I'd like to try wearing some soon.

Speaking of trying to do things with nails on, like er... ah, touching myself all over. It seems those little sticky tabs either don't work, or you can't get them off when you want to.

Geez, this is turning into a blog about makeup and stuff when I really was planning on talkin' dirty to someone. I'll get around to it. I'm a little shy...

Don't Y'all Think I'm Cute?

I was waiting to post that picture so it wouldn't be at the top of the page where an unsuspecting blogger might see it. Then I see that the newest posts are at the top, so it doesn't matter.

Plus this Blog is Adult Rated and I even have a little blurb in the header to warn surfers.

I've seen some pretty racy stuff on Blogger. Some girls want to put their nastiest stuff on YouTube, but they link to it from here so...

Ok, I'll get right to the point. I know it's blurry as hell. But I was actually happy with the results of the pic in this post.

I can take it, tell me what you think. I know I just look like a guy wearing a bra but for some reason I "felt" good about it. So much so that I'm writing a Blog about it and posting pictures of my face online. I realize I might not get any visitors, but it's a big deal to me.

Yes, I'm holding the wig in place... not trying to look sexy. Well... that too. I'm gettin' all the details out of the way first, it may take a week or so for me to get comfortable here.

That sounds silly while I've got my pictures here, pictures of me dressing and talkin' up a storm about it. I've never done that before. My next post may be about why I call this the Sugar Shack. I'm sure a lot of you out there knew about those growing up.

Bye now. I've got a few things to take care of.


I'm hoping this site will be more reliable than some others which I won't mention. From what I hear it will be. If anyone reads this and can tell me just how far I can go on this blog without getting deleted I'd appreciate it.

I've seen some amazingly nasty stuff on Blogger, but want to ease into it. Mmmmm, yep... I want to slip right in there!

I've been making little movies for some time now and am aching to get some of them online. Anything to fill in where my boring writing goes. I do have a few stories to tell though.

I would never have thought a few years ago that dressing like a Female would be something I'd be doing. But here I am! I only dress occasionally, and never in public yet.

I get an actual rush when I do, and I don't care why because like I keep saying. It Feels Good!

I was surprised to "feel something" when I found myself shaving my whole body in the shower. I wasn't expecting that. It makes my cock hard thinking and writing about it now.

The first time I applied mascara I was clumsy because I'd never done it before, and I didn't have anyone to ask for advice. Of course I Googled everything under the Sun and got lots of info that way.

I'm not a beautiful girl, not by a long shot... but I felt good looking in the mirror with that mascara on. I didn't do a good job either, and need a lot of practice.

Luckily, my camera takes fairly low quality video clips, and that's where most of my still shots are from, my movies. So low light and low resolution pictures help to keep me from looking like a man wearing stockings. Which I love by the way. Wearing stockings that is.

I told myself I didn't want to dress if I couldn't be "Cute"! I thought about that right after I said it to myself. I said jokingly to a girl one day, "Hey that's a cute little skirt!". I'm not so sure I was joking now.

Well, lunch is about over. I'll pick up where I left off later. Bye.

A New Beginning...

I'm gonna get started by adding some pics, of me of course. But I should put some thought into what I want here. I'll take my time and try to make a worthwhile blog. For me at the very least.

Deep Deep Thinking Here!

I should have started this when I was more prepared but I was excited and couldn't wait. Now I need to log off and go about my day. Gonna close for now...